Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name deserves so much more love! It’s a great name that isn’t overused or weird. It’s very handsome and romantic but the meaning makes it feel very outdoorsy, it’s maybe even a little rockstar/bad boy sounding, but in a good way. It ages perfectly. Nickname ideas are Ross, Roz, Rocco, Rocky, Roe, Roo. It’s on my top five right now.
Sounds like rascal lmfao.
I like it, but it doesn't sound like a human name. Maybe for a dog or mouse?
Roscoe is an ugly redneck-sounding name for a human being. It might work for a big, slobbery dog though.
I just imagine this name on a pitbull.
Awsome name.
This is a great name. It's a classic - and to me classic names have more substance. It sounds very masculine. I can see it on a child and grown man - and can see it in any profession from an athlete, to a politician to a tradesman. I don't see the argument as it acting as a 'pet only' name since names like Max and Felix are super popular now and, frankly, my dog's name is Jack. Roscoe sounds strong, familiar, classic and cool.
I prefer it for a dog, personally.
If I were using this, I'd drop the E at the end.
I like how it's a little edgy, but I can't imagine it on a real person.

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