Comments (Usage Only)

Also used in Dutch:
In my latest research into names given to baby girls in Manila (the capital of the Philippines) in 1977, Rowena was ranked 3rd in the top 300 (which you can see in my blog linked in my profile) with just over 1.1% of girls named Rowena. It was rarely used before the second half of the 20th century and during the mid 1950s, Rowena began to be more commonly used for girls. At some point, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, it may have ended up being the most popular female name in Manila - at its peak, it may have been given to around 2% of all girls.
The name Rowena was only given to 12 girls born in the US in 2015. It should be used more often!
Various spellings from the twelfth century Historia regum Britanniae: Ronwen, Renwein and Romwenna.

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