Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Nice! I like it!
This is so pretty. I really like it.
I don't think Americans should adopt this name, as quite a few people pronounce Santa the same way as they would pronounce this name, unless you drill it into their heads that it's ''SUN-nuh''. This name is overused in Finland, but might sound refreshing in English-speaking countries, but ony with the right pronunciation.
When I was little I always hoped that my parents would have named me Sanna instead of Saana, which I found very plain and too simple name, plus I was tired of telling people that my name is Saana, not Sanna or Saara. (And seriously, who really wants to be named after a big piece of rock?)Nowadays I'm happy that they named me Saana, after all, because Sanna really is too common here Finland. I know at least three other Saanas, but I've met much more Sannas during my life.

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