Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beautiful name I think it's way better than Serena and Sabrina tbh.
This spelling is pretty but I prefer Serena to be honest.
I like it, although I’d much prefer Serena.
I love this name, very elegant and classy yet simple at the same time. Wouldn't name my child this, but it's a great name!
In my opinion, Sarina is a lot prettier than Serena, or Sarah. (Sara is decent.)
Pretty name!
It's weird... I feel like Sarah is pretty much the most uncreative name you can come up with (though I like Sara), Serena is just a slightly uglier version of Selena (I know, the origin is different and all, but it just sounds harsh and weird), Serafina is nice, but too pretty, if that makes sense, Sally is just plain bad (but that's mainly because most Sally's I've known have been jerks), and just in general that all the Sarah names aren't great except for Sadie, which I love, but Sarina is AWESOME! It's so much different from Serena, somehow. It's serious, pretty, individual, uncommon, and just plain awesome. I hate Serena, but love Sarina. I don't know how I differentiate the two names so separately (everyone thinks I'm saying the same thing), but they're so different in my mind. To honor a Sarah, choose Sadie, Sarina, or any variant of Selene.
This is my name Sarina, I love my name it's not a common name and the spelling too. I like it spelled this way more than Serena. I do have to spell my name out a lot because people usually think its spelled Serena. I tell them it's spelled like Sabrina without the b.
Way cuter than Sarah itself.
Saran wrap.
I am making my dad call me Sara now. My name is Sarina.
When I first saw this name I loved it, especially the meaning. But I thought it was pronounced Saarin-a, which I like better than that "Serena" pronunciation, so now I don't like it as much.
My name is Sarina. I really like my name, also what I found out is that it is used by the Japanese as well! I was like "WOW!"
I love this name, and I much prefer the spelling Sarina over Serena. It just looks more feminine spelled this way. I would definitely consider using this name for my daughter. It's pretty, feminine, and I like the fact that it’s not very popular or overused.

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