Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Why would you name your child after a bag? And it's not like Atlas where it was a name before it was a word for a map; Satchel means bag and has always meant a bag. Just because your vocabulary is limited to 17 words doesn't mean that it isn't just a random word for everyone else. So, are you gonna name your other kids Duffle and Purse?
My husband really wanted to use this name for our son. It was his top choice. I like the sound of it and find the nickname “Satch” cute, but in the end we got a lot of negative feedback from others which sadly made us reconsider. As many have noted, it has significance in baseball history. Woody Allen’s son is named Satchel, but he goes by a different name now. Sometimes I regret not going with the name we both liked - I was just too worried about the possibility of negative impacts on my son from others.
I have never heard of Satchel Paige, but his name reminds me of school equipment, like a page from a workbook or textbook in a pencil case.
Strange word to have as a name! I know boys can't really be named after gems and flowers like girls can, apart from the unisex Jasper, but still, really weird!
Satchel is a great name for a boy! We named our son Satchel after watching the Ken Burns Baseball documentary and learning of Satchel Paige. The comments in this thread are funny to me. My son did not get bullied because of his name! He has had teachers and friends call him backpack. It was never said maliciously and was always playful. My Satchel is a fun, caring, hard working guy. Everyone loves him. Maybe his name helped shape his personality and helped ensure that he would not have a thin skin. That he could recognize humor and playfulness. We have a very common last name, and I'm happy that we gave him a unique first name that made him stand out a little. My husband has given the name Satchel for wait lists at restaurants to avoid the inevitable confusion that results from common names.
I have a boy named Satchel, who is 10. I get many people saying to me, "I LOVE that name," or "What a cool name." So many kids these days have "different" names, that he really doesn't stand out at school for having an odd name. I have an overly common name, Jennifer, so I wanted him to have a special/unique name. He loves his name. Nobody under the age of about 50 commonly uses the word Satchel any longer anyway. We chose it because of Satchel Paige.
I love this name.
ARE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUS?! Wow, talk about blatant ignorance and judging regarding a name. Satchel Paige was an amazing baseball pitcher. That is where I first heard the name. Everyone can choose what names they prefer, but to say a name is hideous? Who are you to say? My son is named Satchel. He is 21, a junior in college, going into the field of medicine. He is loving, kind, funny, and a beautiful person. All of you who are judging names and throwing your opinions around like you are superior obviously do not realize that any given name belongs to a beautiful person. Show respect for all, get off your high horse and humble yourselves. What a pitiful way to spend your time. Try doing something positive in the world instead.
No-one's saying that people called Satchel are bad, or that no-one is called Satchel. I think that some people just find it all too hilarious that there is a type of bag called a Satchel, and the meaning is literally bag/sack. Personally, I wouldn't use the name because of these associations, but each to their own.
I love this name because it reminds me of Satchel in "Get Fuzzy" and will use it one day if I ever get the chance. It is underused, and I hate most overused names; they get so tiring. That way, a child usually won't need to worry about running into someone else with their same name; whenever that happens to me I feel like it strips me of my individuality, but fortunately my name is not EXTREMELY commonplace. Use this name.
"Satchel" as an actual person's first name just makes me laugh. It sounds like something a celebrity would use to name their kid (I'm so, very, sorry, Blanket Jackson). Why not name the poor child Handbag or Suitcase while you're at it? This name is an epic fail when it comes to passing the, "President of the United States, _______ ______" test. It's really hard to take an adult seriously when they have a silly name, and I cringe at the thought of giving my child such a handicap for when she grows up.
Come on, SATCHEL? Imagine the amount of bullying a person with this name would get. Please don't name your kid "bag" or anything meaning it.
Despite the fact that it means "bag," I love this name. I wouldn't actually name my child this though.
If you really like the sound of this so much, why not just name the girl Rachel? It may be overused, but it doesn't mean 'bag' in the very language the bearer of the name speaks, like the people around her. This wouldn't sound ''right'' on a guy anyway.
I see this name growing in popularity for girls and I truly think this name is hideous. It means "bag" or "sack" for heaven's sake.

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