Comments (Personal Impression Only)

As I am named Saul I think it’s pretty unique and I like my name. I don’t think that it is a problem that it is a bit old sounding.
I think Saul sounds like a nice, strong name. I like its length, I like its uniqueness, I like the association with Saul Goodman, and I adore the meaning. I'll admit that the biblical association is pretty dark, but that doesn't have to affect the name as a whole. It's not like the biblical Saul is the only Saul that ever existed. And there have been several people who were not named Saul that have persecuted Christians. Besides, even though the biblical saint did have a dramatic change of heart, Saul and Paul were technically still the same person. To the people who have commented saying that naming your child Saul will give people the impression that you commend religious persecution: I disagree. I do not think it's that deep at all. It's just a name. You never know why someone chooses a specific name for their child unless you ask. Perhaps someone chose to name their son Saul because the meaning was personal to them; maybe they liked the uniqueness of the name; maybe they were a Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul fan; maybe they chose the name in honor of a loved one; maybe they simply liked the sound of the name; or maybe it was something different altogether. Overall, if you want to name your son Saul, don't let superstition, politics or anything else stop you from doing just that. It's your baby, not society's.
I love this name, it’s simple but also quite uncommon. I think it sounds kind and I love that it sounds similar to ‘soul’.
If I were to have a son I’d be very tempted to name him Saul even though I’m not Jewish.
I don't care for it. There's Better Call Saul, then there's the Biblical dude. Also, it's such a puny kind of name, with an odd spelling. Oughtn't it be spelled Soll? Weird.
Honestly one of my favorite boy's names. I really like it. It's not too common either, but it's short and sweet.
An even uglier name than its counterpart Paul. Very old mannish and unappealing. Just say no to this dud of a name.
Underrated name, in my opinion. It's very nice and would fit anyone.
Saul is a great name with no diminutives. It would fit anyone.
I adore the name Saul. It's a nice, respectable, masculine, religious name and I love the history this name has. Shame it's so underrated. :(
Much better than the overly-popular Paul.
I completely disagree with the above statement. Paul, in my opinion, is not "overly popular" at all. In fact, I've never met anyone named Paul. And it's currently ranked #186 in the US, which isn't very popular at all, considering its probably getting trumped by all these modern, faddish names. But anyways... I prefer Paul to Saul. Saul to me only fits an old man, while Paul is classic and timeless.
I think Saul is a very strong name. It would be great for an adopted child!
I think Saul is a beautifully strong name and the meanings, prayed for, asked for, sound perfect for an adopted child!
This is the name of a person in the Bible, who later became saved and became known as Paul. Personally I wouldn't name my child this, because of the things Saul did in the Bible would seem like I agreed with him, which I don't.
Great name for a boy and I also like the meaning of it.

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