Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Avoid this spelling in English-speaking countries, or you'll curse your kid to be relentlessly mocked and picked on, for life. If you want it to be pronounced Semyon, write it that way.
In England if you named your child this they will get bullied all the time.
If you live in an English speaking country, I'm begging you don't use this for a child. If you live in a non-English speaking country, and it's pronounced different, I love it, do it for sure!
Soooooo unfortunate. ;/
Don't name your kid this if you live in an English-speaking country...
This isn't a baby name website, stop whining. Names that sound different in other languages exist.
It's notable that the way this is written in Russian is "Семён" which is pronounced "Sem-yon". I think this would at least be counted as a variant spelling.
No, don't name your kid this. Please.
Please don't use this name if you live in an English speaking country, unless you want your kid to be tormented for the rest of his life.
I am one eighth Ukrainian and even I don't like this name. It's definitely something to avoid if you don't live in Ukraine.
Oh, God... why...
For hopefully obvious reasons, I would NOT recommend using this as a name for your son if you live in the English-speaking world! I'm sure it sounds perfectly lovely in Ukrainian, but if you live in the Anglosphere, you should really consider other names to honor your Ukrainian heritage.

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