Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I very much prefer Seraphina over Serafina. Serafine is a very cute nickname for Serafina though.
I like this spelling more than Seraphina, it seems lighter and less extravagant.
Very beautiful with a nice meaning and many nickname options. Unfortunately, the only Serafina I know is vain and stuck-up, so that kind of ruins the name for me now.
I like this name. But I just can't figure out if I like the spelling Serafina or Seraphina more, they are both classic, beautiful smart strong and goddess vibe. But Seraphina reminds me of a serpent while Serafina gives me Spanish,Italian and fiery vibes. They’re a bit long and would probably have to go but Sera is which sucks because Sara/Sarah is a horrid name. But maybe use it on something else :) it’s a great name though. Maybe if you are naming a princess use this name, but it’s just a bit too long.
I love this even more than Seraphina.
I've never met a Serafina in real life, but I know that the name is more common in book characters. It sounds like the name of a goddess.
Love it but spelled Sarafina.
I think Serafina is an absolutely beautiful name! It's natural, strong, unique, and fierce. It also has lots of good nicknames like: Sera, Ser, Sara, and Fina.
“Serafina” is way prettier than “Seraphina” or “Sarafina.” Sera is a way prettier and rarer nickname than Sara, which is way too common. Also I like how Sera is Italian for evening. Overall, beautiful name!
I think this is a very pretty name. I like what the last person who commented did by spelling their daughter's name Sarafina. She can also go by Sara, which is also very pretty. This is a beautiful, classy name.
Serafina is a nice and rare name so you won't meet a lot of Serafinas so that's a good thing, but I've never really been too fond of this name.
Like the way it sounds and I prefer this spelling.
I really just don't like this name. When I see it or hear it, it doesn't conjure up good images.
I love this name, but would rather spell it Sarafina (I don't know if this is a separate name entirely, because I had to add it to this site).
Such a delicate, unique name. It rolls off the tongue so nicely. However, I also like how you can nickname her "Sera" (which means "evening" in Italian) or Fina.

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