Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think I'd use this as a middle name only, it's too dated to be promoted to first name status.
An extremely hideous name. There are certain names that I just don't get how they could have *ever* been considered acceptable. The name Seymour is a prime example. Nerdy, awkward, and just plain ugly. Maybe it's okay for a "cute ugly" pet like a sphinx cat or something similar, but never for a person.
I love this name so much. It has a lot of personal significance to me, in addition to Little Shop of Horrors being one of my favorite movies. It sounds like an adventurous name, to "see more" of the world. Although, it is now hopelessly out of fashion and way too easy to make fun of, so sadly I can't use it for a son. Devastating, because it's one of my very favorites.
It's dated and just sounds unpleasant. There's also the infamous joke name "Seymour Butts" and its many variants.
Such a dorky name. This reminds me of Principal Skinner getting yelled at by his overbearing mother.
The name Seymour makes me giggle for some reason. I like the name, but it's a bit too goofy for my tastes. It makes me picture a walrus.
Seymour is a cat name. He would probably be a little grumpy cat, but the grumpiness would be so cute on little Seymour cat.
I hate this name on a human. I can picture Principal Skinner's mother yelling at her son. However, on an animal, I think it's cute.
It goes without saying that this name is very old-fashioned, and it probably sounded a bit geeky even when it was common. To use it today would seem pretentious and elitist, and the poor boy would be laughed at. Besides, this name would create a comical effect with the wrong surname, and it reminds plenty of people of Seymour Skinner on the Simpsons. I can immediately hear the sharp sound of principal Skinner's mother's voice in my head when I even read this name somewhere.

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