Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really like this name, I prefer this spelling (Shae) for a boy and the spelling Shay for a girl. Love this name for both genders.
Actually, I can only imagine this on a BOY. Shay is UNISEX, Shea is FEMININE, Shai is UNISEX, and Shae is MASCULINE. I love this name so much, I would totally use it, I can imagine a baby named Shae, a little boy named Shae, a kid named Shae, a teenager named Shae, an adult named Shae and an older person named Shae. It is wonderful!
Actually all these names are UNISEX, I changed my mind.
I like this name a lot. I had a foster sister we called this, she was actually named Nasheilda. It is a great nickname for plenty of names. It is very adorable on baby girls.
I love this name! The spelling & pronunciation is unique! Shea, Shay, and Shai are all great too. This could work great on either gender.
Shae Shae go AWAY!
Shae is a pretty name. Do not listen to the commenter below me.
Shae could be my style. I love the Hebrew masculine name Shai/Shay and I would like the Irish masculine name Shea. Shae is a nice feminine form of them! I have a link with ASOIAF but I don't care for it because the name Shae is pretty enough to not be strongly linked with it. I rate this name 7/10.
Short, simple, easy to remember and decent. I prefer this name on a boy regardless of spelling. It doesn't scream girl to me at all. My opinion.
This is a beautiful name for a girl. It could work for a shy, gentle girl or for a tough, sporty girl.
I'm back, and I really think this is a pretty name! (well it's mine but still!) But I would like to recommend the spelling, Shaye, it has a unique look. Although many people have it as a middle name, I love it as a first!
I'm a boy and I have this name, I'm the only other person with this name in my town though. It's original that's all I have to say. Lol.
Like this as a feminine nickname for "Shaelagh".
Hardly any popularity at all! That would put off a lot of people.
I think this is a cool name for a boy.
Shae is a very beautiful elegant name for a girl.
I prefer the Irish spelling Shea, this is a beautiful name for a girl.
This is a very simple name but very pretty. I do prefer it for a girl but do know of a boy named Shae.

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