Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very ugly; Far from normal.
Unique! Never heard or seen it before! It's pretty!
Why name Shannon or Anika, or Shannon-Anika? That sounds like Shanika.
I know a girl named Shanika and she is one of the calmest people I know.
Hah, ghetto name? That's definitely why the only Shanika I know is also white. But otherwise, sure it may sound cool, but if you're considering this name, there are a lot of other names that sound similar to it with meanings.
I think Shanika is a great name. My name is Shanika and growing up in the south and being a WHITE woman goes to show that names shouldn't be 'black or white', it's what you like in a name that counts. I'm far from ghetto and so is my name.
It's not as atrocious as Shaniqua, but that's not saying much.

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