Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Spelling Shannon with en just doesn't feel or look right. Beautiful name though. Seems foreign or exotic yet familiar at the same time.
Yuck spelling.
I like this variant better.
Ah, MY NAME! I do love it - how it's "unique" and all, but oh, such a pain! I can't even say how many times I've had to spell my name for people, tap them on the shoulder and say, "No - it's spelled with an E." And the names I've been called... Sharon, Shanna, Shaneen (rhymes with Janine / Jeanine). Don't name your daughter this, folks.
Well, Shannen Doherty has pretty much ruined this variant of the name, hasn't she? She won't be remembered by the time a kid named this in 2008 is in school, but right now, the bitch association is there.
This is my name, and I love it, but I've always had problems with the spelling. People hear my name and immediately think it is spelled like Shannon. If you're going to name your child this, go with the original Shannon. They will have much less problems that way. By the way, I was named after Shannen Doherty from Beverly Hills 90210. My mom LOVED that show.
This is my sister's name. Nobody can spell it correctly as they immediately think of the Irish version Shannon. My mother was determined that my sister and I would have names that were different, and she succeeded! Hardly anyone has the same name as either of us! Now there are more people with the same name as my sister, but we can always say that where we live, she had it first!
Beautiful Shannen Doherty makes me like this name. Quite unusual but very pretty.

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