Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Sharron...often misspelled by others and I can never find a gift with my name on it. My mom often told me my name was pronounced Share-ron...I'm 51 and I've actually met 2 other Sharron's in my life...enjoy being different.
I was born in the UK in 1956, named after an American friend of family. On registering, the registrar asked my mother if the name had "one R, or two". As mum had never had a baby to register before, and it was a fairly new name in UK, she replied "if it does not cost any more money, I will have 2 please". I would love to know if there are any 2R Sharron older than me.
My mother gave me 2 r's in my name when I was born. She said she wanted me to be different. I have seen one or two people I think in my lifetime that spell it with 2 r's like I do, but I don't think it's common at all. I don't like it, but... I've learned to deal with it after 50 years. I think I like it spelled better with 2 r's though.
I prefer this spelling to "Sharon", to me this spelling looks incomplete and as if it should be pronounced SHARE-un, instead of SHARR-un.

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