Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Weird name, I cringe every time I hear it, not pretty at "moan".
Sigh moan. Semen. Ugly.
When I first saw this name, I thought it was extremely masculine. There’s nothing too feminine just because this name ends with an “e”. It doesn’t seem feminine at all. I hate it on a girl, a better feminine version of Simon should be Simona, which is more beautiful and more feminine. I hate that everyone thinks this name is definitely for girls. But this is a boy’s name too. I don’t know why you think Simone on boys only works in Italy, but this name shouldn’t be used on girls that much. Other names like Nicola, Gabriele, Daniele, I don’t see any feminine things on them! Honestly you can use Simona, Nicole, Gabrielle and Danielle! Don’t use them on girls. I know you hate my thinking, but I’m going to say it clearly: I hate these names on girls.
I like how I can imagine this on and edgy grunge-y type of person as well as a more dainty and frilly person.
I've always loved this name. Deeply feminine. Evokes the same feeling as names like Veronica, Sloane, etc. Grounded and beautiful.
I've always thought this name was badass. I really like it.
Ufff, I have my doubts with names like Simone, Danielle, etc. because, being Spanish, the pronunciation of male names is the same as that of English female versions. For example, in Spain, Simón is pronounced "See-mōn", which is said exactly the same as Simone, so although it is written as a female name, the pronunciation is for a boy. It's like calling my daughter Simón and I don't like it, that's why I stay away from these names. But I don't see them as ugly; what's more, it seems elegant and vintage to me, I just don't like the pronunciation.
Very dated and in no way pretty.
My middle name is Simone and it means "To be heard" or "God has heard" and it's extremely powerful because my prayers are always answered and I am beyond blessed to have Simone as my middle name. I have an equally powerful first name and whenever I have to handle official business using my full name I receive genuine compliments and I know my name is awesome, first, middle and last. Thank you Mom and Dad ❤.
Not a fan. At all!
This name feels really versatile to me, like you could really give it to any type of character and it would be the perfect name. It's one of my favorites.
A very pretty and classy name!
I like this better than Simona.
Classic, pretty, but still uncommon name. People know how to spell it, pronounce it, and I can see it complementing a woman / girl of pretty much any age. I can definitely see this name gaining in popularity in the future!
My first name is Simone. I didn’t like it that much when I was younger, but now that I’m older I’ve come to like it. I’m named after the French author Simone De Beauvoir.
I like it. I think it works best as a middle name.
Such a beautiful and sophisticated sounding name. I hope I get to use it one day.
It's pretty but it also makes me think of that one Girl Scout cookie..
Personally, I think this name is beautiful. Although I would watch out because of some pretty distasteful comments such as 'semen' or 'salmon'. Anyhow, I'd prefer using a name that doesn't leave people subject to ridicule.
It is my daughter's name. When I first heard it, it was a girl with French parents. I loved how it sounded. Still do. Helped a lot that Simon is a long-standing family name on my husband's side. Her name was almost Katelynn. So glad it is not.
This name is awful. There’s nothing to like at all. Simo. Moan. It’s bad!
A nice, elegant name.
This name is beautiful. In my mind, I picture a huntress, same with Artemis. Sim, Simmy, or Simmie could all work as cute nicknames, too!
This is my middle name. I like it very much, even more so than my first name. It sounds very pretty.
My friend's name is Simonne, I personally like that spelling way more!
Simone is a GREAT name. I knew this girl who was very pretty and modeled whose name was Simone. She was also extremely smart.
I love this name, it sounds very elegant.
I love this name. It's uncommon but not unheard of. Hopefully it'll still be this way by the time I have kids. Very beautiful!
During junior high, my friend Simone was called "semen" by the boys. Quite nasty.
Sorry to those who called Simone, but I really hate that name. When I hear it, I imagine a stupid, vicious, vain, snobbish, selfish and spoiled girl. Several of my female villains from the stories I write is called Simone. Well, my very negative perception of the name Simone will come from a girl I know named Simone. She possesses all the qualities I described above.
I like this name A LOT, it's very different and I might use this name in my book. (:
I like this name. It sounds really pretty. I have a fondness for French names like this.
I find this name very lovely and delicate. I love the way Simone sounds when it's said.
I agree with honeyrose. It just comes off to me really harsh and bold.
I used to love this name, until someone pointed out to me that it bears a slight resemblence to the word salmon:(, which killed it a little for me. It's still on my favorite name list, just not quite as high up as it once was. I also like Simon, for a boy.
Although I would never use a feminine form of a Biblical male name, I do like this name a lot. It sounds very sophisticated, mature, and sort of classy to me. It reminds me of a former MTV Europe host, Simone Angel, who hosted Party Zone, among other programs, back in the 90s. And hey, Simone de Beauvoir is a good namesake to have.
I like this name. But I like the spelling "Symone" better.
This is my mother's name and I like it. She pronounces it somewhere between the French and Dutch pronunciation so with three syllables but with a French o. She used to correct people all the time about the pronunciation but she kind of gave up after a while when people kept getting it wrong. I might use it as a middle name for a daughter later and then I will never stop correcting people if they get it wrong!
For some reason, I find this name to be very harsh.
Like the anonymous user who talked about the movie, I only think on that movie when I hear the name. It was my favorite movie when I was a kid. ;)But if I don't think of the movie, I really like the name. But I don't like the pronunciation. I would pronounce it see-MONEE.
Simone is a nice name but I prefer Simona.
This is one of the worst names I know. I think it's becoming very popular in the UK and I am not looking forward to hearing every 2nd mum shouting it. It will give me ear cancer.
I love the name Simone, it comes off as very elegant in my opinion.
Genteel, soft-sounding and elegant classic.

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