Comments (Usage Only)

This name can also be a Feminine name as a diminutive of Sonya/Sonia, making this name Unisex. to the USA Social Security Administration, 23 girls and 11 boys were recorded with the name Sonnie in 1983. 1939, it started to appear as a Feminine name and beginning in the 1960s, it's becoming more popular for both genders.
In the 80s and 90s, it's popularity as a Feminine name spiked and in the 2000s and early 2010s, it's slightly declining as a Feminine name.
Beginning in 2015, it's starting to become more popular as a Feminine name again rather than a Masculine name.From 2015-2018, the total number of girls born with the name Sonnie is 48 and the total number of Boys with that same name is 32.I hope this has helped you!

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