Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very nice, makes me think of a tall blonde woman.
My name is Sonya. For years I envied people with common names that could be found on souvenir bracelets and cups. But over time I have come to appreciate my name. It is a very unique name as only 199 other people were named this the same year as me. I feel proud to have a name so few others have. It is beautiful and I love it.
Pretty name, but I prefer the Sonia spelling.As someone who prefers the pronunciation "SOAN-ia"/"SOH-nia", I feel like the Sonya spelling makes people want to pronounce it like "Sawn-yah"/"San-yah" (which honestly I feel like you hear more in the US...), which I find so unattractive.
Love this name! I think it’s a very good, solid name. And I love the War and Peace character :-)
My name is Sonya and I hate it and love it at the same time. Everyone says it's so pretty, I say thanks but I get bullied at school!
Reminds me of a warrior princess- pretty name!
Sonya is a beautiful, beautiful name. This spelling is prettier than “Sonia” in my opinion. It makes me think of Sonya from War and Peace. I like how it is short and sweet, you can say it in one breath, but it leaves a lasting impression.
My name is also Sonya. I used to hate it when I was a kid because it was so different. As I got older I loved that it was different and how so many people responded so well to hearing my name. So many people pronounce my name in different ways. I now answer to all pronunciations. I get SAW-nya, SON-ya, SIHN-ya, Sandra, SON-dra, SON, Sandy, Casandra, Sophy. Lol my husband and his family pronounce my name SON-ya and they met a lifelong friend of mine who pronounces my name the way my family pronounces it and that is SIHN-ya. They said we have been pronouncing your name wrong for 15 years? Lol I said no I actually prefer SON-ya so its all good.
This is my name, and it's pronounced with the long 'O'. I personally hate it when people pronounce my name SAHN-YA. I can't stand for my name to be called that way. I'm glad that people ask how I spell and pronounce my name instead of assuming. It's spelled with a 'y' and it's pronounced with the long 'o'. The end. And I love my name! I feel it's unique and beautiful, and I especially love hearing my name said by those with an accent. It makes it sound even prettier!
I love this name a lot, almost even more than mine!
Sonya is a stylish and pretty name. I think of the badass video game character character Sonya Blade from the Mortal Kombat series. Other girl names I associate with badassery that I 100% recommend are Cammy (Cammy White from the Street Fighter series) and Lara (Lara Croft, the protagonist of the Tomb Raider video game series).
I have proudly carried this Beautiful and Eloquent Name 46 Years! Growing up "hated" it. Hated it for ALL of the Reasons I So Love about it today! Reading all your comments clarified the Beauty and Uniqueness of having the name Sonya! MY mother knew exactly what she was doing when she chose it!
Sunny, Shiny, Mysterious, Independent and Confident! Nice!
I like Sonia way better than this. It's too trendy and very, very common.
It's very pretty. I like it more then Sophia.
This is a beautiful name pronounced ''SON-ya'', with a short 'o' that sounds like a proper 'o', not ''ah'' or anything, but ugly pronounced ''SAW-nya''. The former sounds sophisticated, the latter trashy and annoying.
I absolutely love this name. I am quite surprised that this name has not become popular. Oh well, maybe it will in the future.
It reminds me of "song". It's pretty.
I too have been blessed with the wonderful name Sonya. I think it's so lovely and soft. Whenever someone asks me my name I gently exhale "Sahn-ya". I'm proud of my name.
With the popularity of the names Sophia and Sophie I am surprised this name hasn't increased in usage. I love the nickname Sonny/Sunny for this name.
Sonya is a beautiful elegant name for a girl. I like this spelling the best.
I love the sound of the name Sonya. It flows smoothly and sounds pleasant. It has an exotic sound to it.
This is my name, and I love it. It's foreign, so it's a bit mysterious, it's unusual so I feel unique, it's pretty, classic, it ages well and it doesn't have an embarrassing meaning. My friends and family call me Son or Sonny, but a popular nickname for Sonya is Sunny which I also love.

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