Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Ew. Yuck!
I think the first (possibly only) time I heard this nickname was in the mnemonic rhyme about English monarchs. "Willie, Willie, Harry, Ste, / Harry, Dick, John, Harry Three..."
I always thought they probably just needed a rhyme. I'm encouraged to know that it really is a legitimate nickname for Steven.
This nickname really makes no sense. I mean, you wouldn't call someone Day instead of Dave or David, or My instead of Mike or Michael, so what is the point of Ste instead of Steve or Stephen/Steven?
This name doesn't seem to evolve naturally from Steve or Steven. Steve itself doesn't seem to need much more shortening by the standards of most.
"Stee"? "Steh"? How the heck do you pronounce this anyway?
In either case, Ste is still way too short and weird.
I think Ste is the wickedest way to shorten Steven or Stephen, and everyone I know called Ste is well cool, witty, sexy and sofisticated.

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