Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's actually a pretty decent name. Sure anyone with the name Stefanie will have to deal with people misspelling it as Stephanie but look on the bright side at least there won't be any mispronunciations of the name Stefanie and no one will mistake it for a boy's name plus it looks way more prettier than Stephanie tbh.
This spelling of the name is somewhat difficult to carry around in life as it is perpetually mispelled by everyone. Sometimes, even if you spell it out, people will still write “ph” instead of “f” and it is a little bit maddening. I guess it’s just such a common name for ladies born in the 1970’s and early 80’s that people are used to the traditional spelling. It is a great name, though, and a great spelling. Why use two letters when one will do?
This is my name, and I like it very much. However there are some downsides to the spelling. Since "Stephanie" with a "PH" is more common, it is almost always spelled wrong. At least it's not so crazy I have to spell the whole thing. "Stefanie with an F." usually does the trick. In the end I prefer the spelling. I think it looks prettier, and makes more sense.
I chose this name for my younger sister, when she was born. I thought it was a beautiful name, then... now, I'm not as fond, but I still think it's a lovely name! :)

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