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In 2018, 20 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Stephanie who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 60th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
I have a love-hate relationship with my name. I love it because being a child born in '99, I do not and have not run into the problem of having a girl with the same name at school, besides perhaps my late 20- and early 30-year-old teachers at school. Late 20 and early 30 year olds seem to be the most popular group that bear this name. I hate it because it's too girly and feminine to fit my personality. I also hate it because people ALWAYS ask you "is that with a 'ph' or 'f'?" OR "is that with a 'y' or 'ie'?" Gosh dang it, it's spelled the plain old fashioned way! To all of my Stefanies, Stephanys, and Stefanys out there, your parents are the contributors to my perpetual annoyance towards people who have to ask me this question. Why does everyone feel like they have to give their kid's traditional name a unique twist? You only make it rough on them and the other kids who spell it the "normal" way. Haha.

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