Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I tend to pronounce this as a misspelling of "Start".
Awful name.
Horrible name.
I am a Stuart (first name). When I was younger (grade school) there weren't a lot of derogatory names that could be drawn for Stuart, a good thing. When I reached middle school and high school the girls liked it (very important in those days). In college I believe I received additional attention because of my name. As an adult the name has broken the ice and started conversation on many occasions. Stuart has been a plus throughout my life.
Very unattractive.
Hey, how come Stuart is underrated? It’s just like Michael, Alexander, Jacob, William, and Oliver, and they are all trendy boy names, but why is Stuart out-of-use since 2002? I believe Stuart should make a great comeback. I even like the feminine forms for Stuart, like Stuarta and Stuartina. Trust me. It’s a handsome and elegant name for a boy. This name is probably going to even become a trendy-boy-name-on-girl, but not unless Stuarta is there.
The name Stuart was given to 87 baby boys born in the US in 2012.
I never did like the name, but I have to say that MAD TV ruined it for good. Now, it's been several years, but I can't get that character and his mother out of my head. To those of you who don't know, Stuart was a very weird kid, played by the very grown-up Michael McDonald, who walked around with a shirt and underwear on and acted like an idiot. His mother would always yell at him in a shrill voice: ''STUUUUUAAART!'' And blad de blah. You get it, the character ruined it completely. This was also the name of the chubby blond kid on Beavis and Butthead who always wanted to be liked by the two, but who the guys considered a wuss. That has also given me the impression of an unattractive, uncool kid when I hear this name.
The name Stuart will forever make me think of the effeminate man-child in the MAD TV skit. It's extremely hilarious, yet has destroyed any consideration for use of this name.

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