Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Traditional, fantastic, and tomboyish, in my opinion. It's a wonderful name and I hope to use it someday for something special.
Absolutely adore this name! I plan on giving my first daughter this name. I love that it’s old fashioned but doesn’t sound very grandma-y. It’s very feminine and perfectly elegant.
Sybil is a pretty name that sounds sweet and gentle. It makes me think of Lady Sybil Crowley from Downton Abbey. I'm not sure which spelling I prefer, but probably Sybil.
While the name sounds kinda harsh I actually like it, I don’t know why. I think the nickname Billy could be cute with it and maybe a girly middle name might help. Like Sybil Elise is kinda cute.
Why does this make me think of a bird...?
How nice Sybil sounds! What do you want me to tell you, that name is almost unknown to me, but I think it is beautiful and I consider it a great option to give it to your daughter. It gives me the feeling that it is the name of a painter, poet or pianist.
It sounds like the name of a British man. It's just an ugly name. Don't give this to your child.
I appreciate this name because of Sybil from Downton Abbey. It has a nice ring to it.
Despite actually being a "variant," Sybil seems to be more common than the original Sibyl, though neither are hugely popular.Personally, despite this spelling being more common, it confuses me. Seeing the "sy" makes me want to pronounce it like "sigh," with a long-Y (e.g. Cyrus, Kyla, Tyrone...). I prefer Sibyl, because it me it makes more phonetic sense.Even so, the name Sibyl / Sybil isn't exactly the "prettiest," but it doesn't necessarily need to be.
To me, this name is kind of difficult to pronounce and seems like an incomplete form of Isabelle. I'm not completely opposed to it, but it is a bit boring.
Sybil sounds adorable but strong, very unique but familiar, sophisticated and youthful. Suitable for surnames with at least 3 vowels. A girl with a bob-cut hairstyle. :)
Sybil is a quite pleasant and classy name. I like it because it's old-fashioned and not too common.
My daughter's name is Sybil. It's not an especially pretty name, but it stands out and demands to be heard, and that fits her perfectly.
I love the name Sybil, I think it sounds so whimsical, young and refreshing, and of course this name would suit any age. Yes, this name reminds me of somebody who is playful, and yet, sensible, reserved and intelligent and yet secretive and mysterious at the same time. It's a real shame this name isn't used as much as I definitely think it should be used more often. :)
My grandmothr's name was Sybil and I thought a lot of that woman. My daughter is now three and her name is Sybil. I think it is a very strong name but I don't think it could work for anyone. I truly believe that no other name could have fit my child. I get many many compliments anytime I am asked what her name is, so don't read it and think eww, it is a GREAT name. :)
Ha. This is my guinea pig's name. However, I don't think it suits a human well, although I do really like it, mainly because it's old-fashioned.

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