Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Um, great in Wales, not much in America. Saltwater Taffy comes to mind, but I don't believe that this name is that bad. Kinda cute, even!
The name of my youngest brother, honestly I can't seriously see it being used for girls because of him. It's a fine name.
This is my given name. In the US, it is sometimes used as a nickname for girls named Stephanie or Taffeta. I personally do not know anyone else whose given name is Taffy.
I immediately think of Laffy Taffy.
It's interesting.
I can only think of Saltwater Taffy.
I think it's a cute sounding name even if it's a bit childish, I see both on girls and boys.
Nuh-uh! This is a joke right? Seriously, naming a son Taffy is just blatant child abuse! If this is your name, sue your parents!
This name holds so much mystery and ambiguity. I wish it was my name.
Taffy sounds more like a girl's nickname to me. It's not very masculine-sounding. Plus someone with this name will not be taken seriously. It's too ditzy, childish, and ridiculous.
This might be okay in Wales, but this is too silly to use in any English speaking country.
I kinda like it!! I was bored and I never knew Taffy was a name! I LOVE IT!
Funny name. Sounds like a nickname for a kid.
It makes me think of the candy.
Personally, I think this name goes better with a girl.

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