Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretty name, this is my sister's name It's uncommon in the English speaking world but relatively prominent in Greece & Israel.
I like it. I like how the pronunciation is clear but it still doesn't look trendy or misspelled.I love the Greek, unrelated Thalia as well but the pronunciation issues would keep me from using it. THAY-lee-ah, TAH-lee-ah, tah-LEE-ah, tha-LIE-ah, THAYL-ya etc. Etc. - there are just too many possibilities.With Tahlia it's just clear that it's TAH-lee-ah (or tah-LEE-ah in rare cases) and it looks better than Talia. At least there are only two common pronunciations, with one being way more common, and it will just make her life a whole lot easier.
I've never met someone with the name of Tahlia, or Talia, but I love the spelling of Tahlia, and the fluent sound of it. The fluency and simplicity of it is the beauty. It is definitely a feminine name. The only reason I know the name is because of Percy Jackson. It's an elegant name to fit a feisty, enraged, alert female. Personally, I know looks can't be judged when you're named, but I believe it would fit someone with black hair. Think of a Tahlia with blond? Uh, I don't know, but this is truly a name of meat and meaning.
Not a fan of this spelling. I think the spelling Talia looks the best.
With this spelling, I'd pronounce it Tah-lee-ah. It's a very pretty name.

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