Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Why would you name a child "claw"? Are you gonna name your other children Tooth, Horn, Beak and Toenail?
Super handsome!
I think this name rocks and it's very unique and anyone with this name has some gifted parents.
It's a good name. Don't know why people hate it because it's named after a bird's claw.
This name sucks.
My name is Tallon. I love the name because when I see a bird I tell my friend it's my cousin.
My daughter's name is Talon. I named her from the Bible Verse Isaiah 40:31.
My name is Tallon and I'm a girl. I've never met another Tallon in my life and I used to hate my name because I was picked on as a kid because people thought I had a boy's name. Tallon is a pretty awesome name! People tend to remember me more because of my name. I love it!
I like my name. I think it is awesome!
Talon doesn't just mean a bird's claw, and it's not a morbid name. It is more than just an unusual name, it's a name that has to fit the perfect person. It's beautiful and I love the name Talon for a boy or girl.
Talon seemed strange to me at first, but now it has grown on me, and I love it.As Law said, there's nothing wrong with it being the name of an object or animal part.Talon is masculine, strong, skilled, sharp, swoon-worthy, and sounds more stealthy than violent to me.Obviously, this name's not for everyone. But to those bold enough, I say go for it. :)
Personally I think this name is awesome, no one at my school has a name even close to mine. But apparently most of you don't like my name. Opinion is Opinion.
Think twice before naming your son a body part of a bird. Not at all appealing. It's like naming you child Dishwasher or Canvas. Just a word... not a name.
Love this name but noticed its popular so I cannot use it anymore.
I think this name is AWESOME! Are you people crazy? Lol. Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nothing feminine about this name at all. It's a predatory type name. Makes me think of a very manly man who would enjoy the outdoors. AWESOME name!
I don't understand why Talon's listing on here is strictly male, and not unisex. Honestly, when I think of a Talon, or someone's nail, a feminine image pops into my head. I still don't think I'd use the name in real life, though, because I'd basically be naming my kid "claw"--although I do think it's more feminine than masculine. Maybe for a character...?
This is what I named my son although I spell it Tallon. I think it is a strong unique name and do not think of it simply as a birds toenail but as its predatory claw it uses on prey (but not not in a morbid way). It's unique.
For a character or a police dog, sure it sounds like a tough and kick-butt name, but as for naming a human this, no thanks I'll pass.
Talon sounds incredibly stupid as a given name. Why would you name your kid after a bird's claw? And of course it's part of the trend of giving boys violent names. I'll pass.
Sounds cool, but then again it's a bird's toenail.
I could never name a child this; I would only be able to think of an owl's foot.
Good name for a sexy female mercenary or some kind of superhero with cat powers, but I would hesitate naming a human child this.

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