Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name Tamar from the Miracle Maker the story of Jesus animated stop motion British film from 2000.
It's about 12 year old beauty girl, she was very sick and then Jesus came and said "little girl rise it's time to get up".And Roman-Britain-celtic fairy tale from Wales with my oc from Jeff Smith graphic novel Bone and Sleeping Beauty crossovers with 26 year old princess Little Tamar.
I thought it sounded a bit weird at first but now I know how to pronounce it, it has grown on me. I do my ancestry and have happened upon this name several times during name searches. It was actually quite common in the 1800s in Durham and Yorkshire. It's an unusual name- which I like- I hate common names or ones that are in fashion- my own son is named Conan, and I have never had to use his surname at school when looking for him. Better a unique name especially in ancestry!
Well, my name is Tamar but it's spelled TaMar (like Tae Mahr) but my first name is Joy TaMar, it is different and I love it. There were two women in the Bible named Tamar (Thamar). The first was the mother of Judah's twin sons Pharez and Zarah (Jesus Christ is from the line of Pharez). She's one of the only women mentioned in the lineage of Jesus. She was widowed by her father in law's sons (Judah), dressed up like a harlot and became pregnant by him and gave him two sons (Pharez and Zarah (Genesis 38)). The second was Tamar, who was a princess and one of David's daughters. (I think she was probably named after her ancestor Tamar :) This was the one who was raped by her half brother Amnon. (2 Samuel 13) I used to think this name had a bad rep because of what happened to both of these women. But this is the name I have and I think it's beautiful and I've come to realize that even though I share their name I don't share their tragedies. The only problem is that people can't pronounce it right some say Tamar like (TuhMahr) and that's annoying. My name has a long "a" so it sounds short. Nevertheless, I love my name and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
My name -Tamia- is basically Tamar translated to English, although not a direct translation. Either way, I would much rather having Tamar as a name, it's so beautiful!
This name is beautiful (in my opinion, much better than Tamara), but I could never name my child this simply because of the biblical story. She was raped by her half-brother (I think his name was Amnon?), and because of that she was no longer a virgin, and no longer able to marry. She wound up living a rather desolate life with her other brother, and that one tragedy--which was NOT her fault--wound up ruling her entire life.It's entirely too depressing a story for me to name my daughter this, despite the beauty of the name.
I have five daughters (which is enough, believe me), and I called the third Tamar. I like it so much better than Tamara, which seems more common.
I find myself liking this name, for some strange reason. When I first saw it, I was like, "Tamar? No. Wait, actually, that doesn't sound bad at all. I like this name!" Yeah, I'm weird and blonde like that. Wait, I'm brunette.
So pretty!

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