Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's really pretty.
It is not always pronounced Ta-nee-sha. My name is Tenisha and is pronounced exactly as it is spelled. Ten-ish-a, pretty simple, though yes it is mispronounced more often than not. I didn't care much for it as a child, as an adult I appreciate that I've never met anyone else with the same name. What sounds "ghetto" to me is someone posting a nasty comment anonymously based on their own biased ignorance. Mischievous is fitting, definitely nothing unintelligent about me and I think it's a lovely name!
Anything with the suffix "sha" sounds ghetto to me, sorry. Tanya is a nice name, Tanisha is not.
How about Natasha? I think it's a very classy name. Or at least used to be, before the suburban American yuppies started to use it on their offspring although they had absolutely no relation to Russia.
I think the name is pretty, but I think that it works well as a nickname. Despite the fact that it's not always true, when the majority of people hear this name, they think of the ghetto.
We named our daughter "Taneisha". She has just turned three. She's very clever for her age and outspoken and confident. We live comfortably. So no, not from the ghetto. Do not think it is trashy at all. I would never have given my daughter a name if I thought it was! My husband chose her name and I love it.

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