Comments (Pronunciation Only)

It's always pronounced TER-in where I live. I don't like it, it sounds trashy.
The only way I've heard Taryn pronounced is TAIR-in. I have to say I prefer it that way then to TAR-in.
NO it CAN'T be pronounced TERIN and I've never heared TARA being pronounced Tera either. You must be American! I like this name and if I have a daughter I might call her Taryn but my husband say it sounds too much like Darren.On it said it was an Irish name and ment Irish hill. This was last year when I was pregnant and now it says it's an American name what makes me not want to like it as much, but still can't help liking it.
I think this name can be pronounced TER-in, too, as the name Tara is often pronounced TER-a.

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