Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This used to be my cousin's favorite color. Now it's red...I think? Anyway, I like this name! It's pretty cool.
I like the color, also I know a 34 year old woman named Teal. However, I don't like this name.
An even worse name in my opinion is Teagan. Yuck!
Yeah, no.
Teal is my favorite color, but I wouldn't use it as a name.
I'm very fond of ducks, and the green-blue colour which matches my eyes.I could get used to this one I think.I'm not sure why it's a female name - it doesn't have a very feminine sound to it.
In theory it sounds nice. But to me, teal is just a color or a type of duck, not a name.
This name would be better on a boy than for a girl. Teal, what a nice name. :)
Love this name! I think it's beautiful and unusual. There's almost something magical about it.Also name of the current leading role of Elphaba in LA's production of Wicked: Teal Wicks.
I've read that cyan is also a word for a greenish-blue color. So if you like the color enough to name your daughter after it, Cyan sounds MUCH cooler. This doesn't sound like much of a name anyway, and if it's a type of duck, it might lead to bullying. The name simply doesn't sound very nice. It sounds like 'steel' or 'steal'.
What a horrible name! I personally find Teal to be a very ugly color, and even if it wasn't it would be like naming your kid "Yellow" or "Red" or "Pink".

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