Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Well, this is a surname only but I don't like it as a name because it sounds unattractive for me but reminds me of "tennis" and "tennis ball" in my opinion.
It sounds like "tennis" in my opinion.
Weird name.
I think this is a very fun and interesting boy's name, but definitely a boy's name only. Don't curse a girl with it please.
Why would anyone think this name is feminine? Tennyson sounds very masculine, and I prefer it on a boy. If you wish to name your daughter Tennyson, name her Tennessee and nickname her Tennie, or you could just straight up name her Tennie (not Tenney).
This name sounds very surname-like and doesn't flow well. It sounds a bit wimpy and childish too. I can only imagine this on a boy.
This is a surname. It sounds really pretentious as a first name.
My daughter was born in 2009 and we named her Tenesen Grace. It's a beautiful name.
I absolutely love this name and am really considering this for our baby girl that is due soon.
There is nothing feminine about this name, but it ends in that oh-so-trendy son suffix and means 'son of', which seem to sound feminine to some people. God knows why. This is disgusting on a female, but it's pretty cool on a boy. It's unique but would still fit in because of the -son ending found in so many popular names today. You could call him Tenny for short :)
I love this name, but I prefer it for a girl. It's on my girls name list. I've actually met two female Tennysons (one spelled it Tennyson and the other spelled it Tennasyn).
Why on earth would one name a female child Tennyson? There's nothing feminine about it. Naming your daughter Maud would be the best way to honour Alfred Lord Tennyson should you wish to, after his poem of the same name.
It sounds a bit pretentious to me.

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