Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm surprised at the pronunciation, I thought it was "THAH-lee-a".
I love this name, although I do prefer it spelt Talia. There is a middle name that I think fits perfectly with Thalia and that is Eden. I find the name Thalia Eden so sweet and pretty! 🌷.
I love all of the pronunciations for this name. My favorite is Tha-Lee-Uh though.
Very pretty but it also sounds just like the Russian word for waist.
I knew two girls in middle school who had this name yet, they didn't pronounce it the same way. One went by Tha-Lee-ah and the other went by Tah-Lee-ah (guessing cause she was Spanish and that's how her mom said it). Never met another person with this name after I switched schools. It's a rare name for sure.
Love this name. Only like it pronounced Thay-Lee-uh.
This name is pretty! I prefer the Thalia spelling to Talia. I also like it pronounced as β€œTahl-lee-uh”.
I would love this name so much if it wasn't for the pronunciation issues.I guess that most people say TAH-lee-ah. But tah-LEE-ah is also common.Then people could say THAH-lee-ah, thah-LEE-ah, THAY-lee-ah, thay-LEE-ah and not to mention TAHL-ya and THAL-ya.It's just so confusing.The problem is that most of the pronunciations aren't even wrong because it just depends whether you pronounce it in ancient Greek or modern Greek or English or, for example, German.So even though the meaning is great and it's classic these issues would keep me from using it. If it was my #1 favorite I would still consider it but it is further down and just too complicated. It would also get misspelled all the time.
I adore this heavenly beautiful name, it's so enchanting and bewitching, just pure beauty.
It's beautiful but there will be so many pronunciation issues.I have heard it as tha-LIE-ah, THAY-lee-ah, TAH-lee-ah, tah-LEE-ah, TAHL-ya, THAL-ya etc. Etc. (in some countries TH is pronounced like T).It is gorgeous but all these pronunciation issues would keep me from using it.
It's okay. Not the best, by far.
I think Thalia is a beautiful name. It's very sweet, elegant and romantic. Gorgeous name.
Okay, who likes Percy Jackson? If you don’t how dare you?! (please don’t be offended!) But, Thalia Grace is a character and it’s pronounced Talia.
Thalia is a pretty name. I prefer this to Talia.
I would use this name potentially if it didn't make me think so much of Thallium. And they're related, which makes it a bit worse. I still love this name.
My daughters name is spelt Tahleya and is pronounces tall-e-ah.
The pronunciation of Tah-lee-uh is so... much better than Tha-lee-uh or whatever.
I was first introduced to this name in the Percy Jackson series, and I just assumed it would be pronounced THAH-lee-uh. I've never thought it might be pronounced differently, but it obviously is. I still really like the name, and the meaning is great.
Very pretty name, I've only ever heard it pronounced tall-ee-ya, so that's how I like it pronounced.
I like this name when pronounced tall-ya. When it's pronounced thall-ee-ah it sounds like the person pronouncing it has a really bad lisp... for that reason I MUCH prefer it pronounced tall-ya.
There are two pronunciations of Thalia. I personally like it when you say it like tall-yuh.
I shan't add to the pronunciation debate, but I'd rather say how lovely this name is. Thalia sounds like a very classy, albeit usable name. I have a story character named Talia, but that was a nickname for her real name - Natalia.
Beautiful beautiful name. I love the background history of it. Such beautiful historical significance of a Greek Muse. How pretty. The name itself is pretty. I also like the related name Talia which is Hebrew for Dew of Heaven. But I really like Thalia. Thalia is Greek for blossoming. Pretty pretty name.
One of my favorite names. Simply beautiful and not so common. It sounds very classy for now. Love the meaning and all. I prefer the pronunciation tha-LEE-eah than tha-LIE-eah though.
Cool name. It took me a while to understand how to say it though.
I think this name is very pretty!
To me Anna Thalia sounds so pretty on a girl.
This is my new favorite name. It has such a pretty sound and I love what it means.

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