Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I had an Aunt Thelma. She was my father's sister, born in Ohio in 1916. Her first name was Thelma and her middle name was Louise, I kid you not. She died in 1978.
For those commenters who say they love the name Thelma and wish they could give it to a daughter but "can't", I ask "Why not?" What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for permission? I hereby give you permission! :-)
The problem with people is that most are followers. Don't be a sheep.
Are you waiting until the name becomes so trendy that you won't give it to your daughter because it's TOO popular?
It's sounds like "Tell me".
It's okay because is not bad but a beautiful name.
Thelma is a very cute little girl's name.
Amazing name. Looks so feminine, soft, so elegant. Classic beauty! Wish it would be popular these days, but its not, so it feels like an old woman name, because not many young people have this name. Thelma has class!
Beautiful. I think of Thelma Lou, Barney Fife's love interest on the Andy Griffith Show.
Calm and aesthetic. But a bit slimy sounding.
Gross. Not even good enough for a pet.
My mother's name was Thelma and, even though she did not remember the author's name (Marie Corelli) she always said her name was given to her by her grandmother who was an avid reader, that she was named after the heroine of a story about a Princess of Norway. My mother was proud of the name which is why it is irritating to see some of the disparaging comments about the name in this forum. Another point, to echo a previous poster, my Hispanic wife called my mother Telma because she knew it that way in Latin America.
Ughh I hate how this is seen as an "old ladies name". Because I adore it! Too bad I can never use it.
Quite soft and gentle, I think.
Personally, I think Thelma is a lovely name. I like the name on its own merits, but it is even more special to me because my favorite aunt's name was Thelma. Aunt Thelma will always be very dear to my heart, so this feminine, strong yet sensitive name really means a lot to me.
I really like the name and gave it to one of my daughters. She seems very happy with it and although it's very rare where we live (France) and where we come from (Denmark and Hungary), it's not rare to the point that people say "what?" when she tells her name :)
There is a girl at my sister's college named Thelma and at first I felt sorry that she had an old lady name, but I've come to like it. It's different from all the other girls' names.
I quite like this name; at first glance it seems a bit old-fashioned, but I think it could definitely be used on a young person. Yes, overall a great name. :)
Gee, I do love the movie Thelma & Louise, but I don't like either of those names, especially Thelma, ha ha. This name sounds very much like the name of some obese redneck woman nowadays. Very old-fashioned. It actually sounds a bit like someone with a lisp trying to say Selma, which is another name I don't like.

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