Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I very much prefer Theresa to Therese but it’s a cute nickname though. It can be a lovely name on its own though for someone with French origin. Therese looks and sounds classy, timeless, sophisticated.
I know a 23-year-old lady with this name and she's rude and bossy. But I do know a 14-year-old named Therese and she's nice. You can't judge a person by their name of course though and I still like this name.
My middle name is Therese after St. Therese, and I have to say people have made fun of me for the pronunciation before. They used to say "trees" instead of Therese. But I don't care because I love it! Very delicate and pretty.
So much prettier then Theresa.
Therese is an adorable name; definitely underused! It works well for all ages, and sounds very cute. I like it better than Theresa, probably because it's less common. Also, it works as a nice middle name, because the emphasis is on the second syllable (Ter-EES). I usually don't like names ending in the "EES" sound, but for Therese I think it sounds nice.
I like this more than Theresa... especially pronounced "Tay-rez," but "Ter-eece" is good too.
I love the "Ter-EES" pronunciation! It looks and sounds very elegant and sophisticated. ;)
Therese is an elegant, classic, beautiful name. I love it.
Therese is the middle name of my grandmother as well as of one of my aunts and my older sister. I hope someone in my family uses it as a first name; it's so pretty.

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