Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Mozart and his wife Constanze had a daughter named Theresia Constanzia Adelheid Friedericke Maria Anna, who died a few months after her birth (December 27, 1787 - June 29, 1788).
Theresia (1761-1820) was the daughter of Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony and his wife Maria Antonia.
Maria Theresia (1799-1799) was the daughter of King Anthony of Saxony and his wife Maria Theresia, granddaughter of famous Maria Theresia.
Theresia (1725-1743) was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VII and his wife Maria Amalia.
Theresia (1652-1653) was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III and his third wife Eleonora Gonzaga.
Maria Theresia (1762-1770) was also the name of the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II and his wife Isabella. She was named after her grandmother.
Maria Theresia (1767-1827) was one of the daughters of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and his wife Maria Luisa of Spain. She was named after her grandmother, famous Maria Theresia.
Maria Theresa's name was actually Maria Theresia.

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