Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Yall are weird with stereotyping a name and associating it with prostitutes. Odd hill to die on but alright. In any case this is my sister's name and I like both spellings.
I hate this variant.
Yuck. I like Tiffany, but Tiffani looks so juvenile, ditzy, and unprofessional. Also, the I ending makes it looks stripper-ish, like with Brandi, Kennedi, and Cassidi.
Looks weird with an I at the end.
Not too crazy over this name myself but I like the original spelling better. The spelling of Tiffany looks best.
My name is Tiffani too. I find it unique how we have an i instead of a y at the end of our name. To me, Tiffany is sluttier than Tiffani. Tiffani looks more professional.
As a "Tiffani" myself, I am a little disappointed by the comments. I like my name, and I don't think you can stereotype the name "Tiffani" with a blonde-haired, 80s, cheerleader or prostitute. I don't think there is anything wrong with my name. Just a tiny bit offended.
I once had a friend named Tiffani. Even though I think Tiffany is an overused name (much like Ashley, Emily, and Sarah), the spelling Tiffani reminds me of "timpani," and I don't really like it.
The name Tiffany sounds like the name of a vapid, superficial ditz, and spelling it this way will only make the bearer seem even more like a vapid, superficial ditz. This is a very youthful spelling of the name. This is the name of Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, and I don't know what she would have become if she hadn't become a soap star. I know this sounds quite sexist, but women and men alike seem to have their subgroups of dislikeable types, and they often have some type of a gender-related stereotype look and behavior.

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