Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My middle name is Thomas, but I go by Tommy. Compared to Thomas, Tommy is a little more playful and less formal. I personally really like this name. It’s classic, but not overly common, it just rolls off the tongue so nicely. I’m proud to be a Tommy.
Please use Thomas or even Tom as a legal name, and then use Tommy as a nickname, because Tommy is a bit informal for a 50 year old businessman.
I really like this name as a full name. If I were to name someone perhaps I would go with Thomas for a legal name but I prefer Tommy as a name and I think it's cute. It's strong and masculine and very sweet.
Tommy is a dated name that only fits a little boy. What about Thomas, with Tommy as a nickname?
Perfect nickname for Thomas as a kid.
I think Tommy is actually a good full name. It reminds me of a cute teddy bear. If you were older you could always shorten it to Tom. If you don't like either there's nothing wrong with Thomas, however that reminds me of trains and hummus dip.
Only fits a child.
This is terrible as a full name. Please give your child an option. Who would want to introduce himself as Tommy at the age of 35? It's embarrassing. There's nothing wrong with Thomas. He won't stay little forever.
It is fine as a nickname for Thomas. However, as a legal name, it is horrendous.
A very nice, timeless name.
It feels belittling. I prefer Thomas.
Tommy is a good nickname for Thomas as a kid. I can't imagine Tommy on an adult.
I prefer Thomas or Tom as a nickname. Tommy sounds childish. Plus it reminds me of Tommy Pickles from Rugrats.
Tommy as a little kid's name is adorable, whereas Tommy as a man's name is just weird.
I don't really like this name. It's really childish. Use Thomas instead (which is one of my favorite boy names!)! I had an ex-friend with this name, so it kinda ruined it for me. No offense to any Tommy's out there!
This name reminds me of Tommy Pickles from 'Rugrats'.
An adorable name for a little boy! Also, I have a big crush on this hot guy named Tommy ;]
Tommy is too cutesy a name, so much it sounds plain silly. Especially Tommy Tomkins, and that little rugrat from "The Rugrats."
To me, Tommy is a name of someone with a big belly that likes people to pat and rub his big belly!
This name is not always THOMAS in full, some people are named only TOMMY alone. This name can be given without having to think about it, before even thinking out a name for your your child, this name can come to mind easily.

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