Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Indeed, it's not every day that you meet a beautiful soul named Tsisana. In a sky so blue it's almost purple, Tsisana is gently caressed by wisps of clouds and blinding rays of sun. She is a mottled, watery reflection of the awe-inspiring heavens above us, and to bear the name is to carry a piece of the sky within your soul, to be touched by the heavens' ineffable magic. And what a lovely sound, like an orchestra trilling up for a spectacular performance.
What an absolutely gorgeous name. The meaning is lovely, I think of the color blue, mostly because of the meaning, and it is unique so not everyone has it, in fact I have never met anyone with it.
I absolutely love this name! I think it's just a gorgeously regal name, even without the meaning behind it. I really really love it. I've actually named one of my characters this.
Simply wonderful, though English speakers would mispronounce it horribly the first few times. It's modern and classy at the same time.

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