Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is the definition of a very uncommon upper-class "Y" name that should be used more often.
I love the name Yvette I usually do not like y names but Yvette sounds good I never knew this was a name until my NTNB it is a good name I love it for a girl but for a boy I would say no way. I like Yvette Darcy I think Yvette is a good name I kinda like it sounding like Ya-veet but Yvette goes so well Yvetta would even be a good name because I love Yvette I think Yvette sounds like more of an adult name than a kid's Yvette is an amazing name and I hope to see it go up Yvette is a perfect name but it is not in my top 10 it almost is Yvette is such a good name for anybody I feel like more people should have the name Yvette. Yvette is so good I love it so much I think it is the best y name actually it is the best y name Yvette is an amazing name.
I really like this name, it's short and sounds fancy. This is a cute Y name and I like the -ette part.
Yvette is a really cool name! “Y-names” are very uncommon and this one is nice.
I like this, it's a nice/strong feminine name, the only person I know named Ivete is Ivete Sangalo. I prefer the spelling Yvette better, there is a US congresswoman named Yvette.
I am an Yvette. I am American with French, Spanish, Mexican, Polish heritage. I was named after Yvette Mimiuex also. (born in the 60's). I also didn't like my name until I hit my 30's. When I went to France, I was unable to find anything with my name on it. A native over there said that I wouldn't because "my name was like Mary in the US." So much for French souvenirs. And most people misspell the name or spell it "Evet." I very much like my name now. It's a classic, pretty, untraditional, feminine name. It was popular in the 30's in France, and in the 60/70's in the US. When I was a younger girl, there were no other Yvette's around. Now I find them more frequently. But that's ok. Something nice is meant to be shared.
Yvette is a beautiful French classic that is quite underused. Here are some middle names to consider for Yvette!Yvette Belle
Yvette Séraphine
Yvette Fay
Yvette Quinn
Yvette Lake
Yvette June
Yvette Marie
Yvette Diana
Yvette Renee
Yvette Wren
Yvette Vivienne
Yvette Xena
Yvette Lily.
Beautiful name.
Meh...I prefer Yvonne because it looks less brittle.
Pretty name.
This name Yvette is so pretty!
I think this is a pretty name, but is likely to get misspelled and mispronounced in the English speaking world. (Works great in Spanish and French though!) I've never had a hard time with it, as it's my mother's name, but it always gets spelled as "Evette" on cups at the coffee shop.
This is my grandmother's name. It’s honestly not bad.
Nah. I'm also confused on how to pronounce it.
Pretty name.
Beautiful name, love it so much. Wish I was called it.
Hated the name. Teased all through school, even in college. Mispronounced. Misspelled. Mislabeled as bad like biblical Eve who ate the apple. Starbucks gets the spelling right though. Difficult to find it on merchandise. Love that it made it into a Merci chocolate commercial. Named after Yvette Mimieux. She and my mother were born the same year and have the same hair and eye color. My father chose the name.
I like this name, it has the dainty elegance of other '-ette' names (such as Colette, my personal favourite) and is a botanical name without being too obvious about it.
Like so many people on here I hated my name as a child. Nobody knew how to spell it, you could never buy anything with your name on, other kids thought it was weird, adults always commented to say it was different. The thing I find bizzare is on reading all your comments there is a commenter above that says their mother was named Yvette but nicknamed Betsy as a child as nobody could pronounce her name. I too had the same nickname within my family. I often get asked "Why Betsy?" but I have no idea how Yvette was turned into Betsy. As an adult I have grown to appreciate my name. I like that it isn't common, the way it looks on paper and how it sounds.
I love this name! It's so pretty, and very unusual to see a y name, let alone next to a V.
Yvette is a nice name, pretty and something I'd consider as a middle name.
Yvette is cool - it has a quirky charm and would make a great middle name for less uncommon names. It would go especially well with first names ending in -a or -ia.
Yvette is a cute name for a little girl :)
I bet people who try to read this name from text butcher the pronunciation. Not very pretty. Makes me think of a computer app for dog lovers.
My name is Yvette and it is so unusal I have only ever heard of it a few times. It was really strange to see so many people saying 'my name is Yvette'. I hated my name as I grew up with people never being able to spell it, I hated being called Eve, and the jokes about 'the vets' but I like it now, and wouldn't want to be called anything else.
I am an Yvette and I love my name. Always have. It's not a name you can easily spray paint on a wall and get away with announcing "Yvette was here" for then they are sure to know who EXACTLY put it there. LOL! My family is French Canadian and both my sister and I have unusual names (she's a Monique). At my job I must answer the phone and I have learned that it is better to state the name of the company I work for abd then say "Yvette speaking" rather than "This is Yvette". I have found that most people will understand it better if I say my name at the beginning of the sentence telling them who it is that they are speaking to. Sometimes they will ask me to repeat my name and then tell me how "pretty" it sounds.As a funny side note I have mistakingly been called: Beth, Redd, Yvonne, Lynette, MeVette, Eve, Eva, Evonna, and even Corvette. When I wear my name tag at work, I catch people looking at it strangly and then often times they comment "Is that your name?" or if they have never "seen" it before they will say, "Is that REALLY your name?" All in all it is a great name and I have enjoyed being "the only Yvette" that most people know. :)
Yvette is the twin of Yvonne.
Yvette is a unique, French name. It is interesting.
This name is both masculine and feminine. It is short and rapid fire, ending quickly after it's said, kind of hard and harsh sounding. Yet it is so feminine! I feel it starts off voluptuous and ends in a bang. So it's interesting. It's a name that people say they like, but they will laugh at you if you tell them to name their child Yvette. It's not trendy at all! People also always comment about an Yvette they knew (and very often didn't like!) I think this name is sort of bitchy, but I love it. A girl with high standards who knows her value!
My name is Yvette. Growing up, I hated my name. No one ever knew how to spell it and most people had never heard of it, although I was never teased about my name. However now that I am an adult, I love my name and would not like to be called anything else. I loved visiting France where many people told me it was once very popular and yes, they knew how to spell it.

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