Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A very pretty Hebrew name, not in overuse.
We named my daughter Ziva after the NCIS character because we loved it so much. The character is beautiful, strong yet caring. This describes my daughter, she could not be known as any other name. People comment on it a lot not because of NCIS but because it’s unusual without being too wacky. If you like it use it, you won’t regret it. Ziva’s nickname is Ziva Diva and also Zeeves. She is too young for me to ask if she likes it but in my mind she will love it because it’s unique just like her.
My long coat German Shepherd Dog is named Ziva. I thought a Hebrew name was good balance for a dog breed still carrying stigma due to being Hitler’s favorite breed.. and then Ziva means brilliance / brightness.. which she is, and also loved the character Ziva David on NCIS, she was beautiful, strong, a weapon. So that’s why my beautiful, brilliant, strong GSD is named Ziva.... now also Z, Zivadiva, craZy... anything with Z works ;)
I saw a dog named Ziva once, but the dog was very nice and calm, not to mention a very beautiful dog. I like it as a name a lot. It's a good alternative to the overused Ava.
It reminds me of Zika as in the Zika virus but other than that the name sounds alright.
This name is just beautiful. It sounds serious and strong, and still graceful and feminine. It is one of my favorite Z names, along with Zara.
I love it; it's short, sweet, simple, yet brings to mind a strong, beautiful woman.
How exotic it is!
I like it because it is very strong but simple. Everyone can pronounce it without problems, and its meaning is beautiful!
My name is Rossana so this name shares with Ziva its "bright" meaning... I like it!
Unique, pretty and exotic. :)
Never heard of it until I started watching NCIS. Now I love it. Ziva David is a strong, intelligent, and beautiful character, so now I think of exactly that kind of person when I hear this. I wouldn't mind a few more Zivas out there.

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