Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I work at a little ice cream place and one girl named Zola came to order when I was at the register. I LOVED her name and haven't been able to get it out of my head since! She also seemed like a very nice girl, if anyone was wondering ;)
I think Zola is a pretty, mystical name, it's my favourite Z name and it isn't really heard of today so I think Zola will be the only one in her class. I like this name very much. Thanks for reading :)
I don't like this name at all. I'm not a big fan of Lola either.
A short, simple, graceful name that hasn't got lots of syllables, which makes it easy to say again and again. It's pretty, exotic and unusual. Pronunciation difficulties would hardly commence I bet.
It's not a bad name, but one of my childhood friends had a big (male) Labrador called Zola, so I can't hear this name without thinking of a big dog. Ok, so he was a really sweet dog, but still, that association will stick with me (I don't really like dogs that much). Other than that, I do agree that this is better than most last-name-turned-first-names.
Zola doesn't sound as harsh or as inappropriate as some surnames, like Mackenzie. Emile Zola was an intelligent and very creative man.
Makes me think of Zoloft.

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