Most "Strange" Masculine Names

This list is based on ratings left by visitors to this site. Names must have at least 50 rating responses to be considered.

1. Sacheverell 96% 57 responses
2. Toirdhealbhach 94% 64 responses
3. Azazel 94% 63 responses
4. Naphtali 93% 52 responses
5. Cerberus 93% 66 responses
6. Charon 93% 51 responses
7. Algernon 93% 70 responses
8. Semen 92% 99 responses
9. Wickaninnish 92% 59 responses
10. Quetzalcoatl 92% 103 responses
11. Obadiah 92% 51 responses
12. Betelgeuse 92% 54 responses
13. Methuselah 92% 59 responses
14. Zarathustra 91% 64 responses
15. Hannibal 91% 125 responses
16. Errol 91% 56 responses
17. Iggy 91% 106 responses
18. Pegasus 91% 50 responses
19. Talon 91% 72 responses
20. Astrophel 91% 104 responses

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