Submitted Names with "cheerfulness" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword cheerfulness.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Frohsina f German (Rare, Archaic)
Spelling variant of Frosina. The spelling shows a contamination from the German word Frohsinn "cheerfulness".
Nuzhat f Urdu
Means "pleasure, cheerfulness, delight" or "pureness, chastity" in Urdu, ultimately from Arabic نزهة (nuzhah).
Romish m Tajik
Tajik form of the Persian name Ramish, which is derived from Persian رامش (ramish) meaning "joy, happiness, cheerfulness, delight", itself ultimately derived from Middle Persian or Pahlavi rāmišn meaning "peace, ease, pleasure"... [more]