Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword clock.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Calendula f English (Rare)
The scientific name for a genus of flowers, comprised of several kinds of marigolds. From the Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning "little calendar", "little clock" or possibly "little weather-glass".
Gulsoat f Uzbek
Derived from gul meaning "flower, rose" and soat meaning "time, watch, clock".
Gyu-jong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 奎 "stride of man" and 鐘 "clock; bell".
Jong-dae m Korean
From Sino-Korean 鐘 "clock; bell" and 大 "big, great, vast, large, high".
Jong-hun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 鐘 "clock; bell" and 訓 "teach, instruct; exegesis".
Jong-hyeok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 鐘 "clock; bell" and 赫 "bright, radiant, glowing".
Jong-hyun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 宗 (jong) meaning “knowledge, root, ancestry” or 鐘 (jong) meaning “clock, bell” combined with 玄 (hyeon) meaning “deep, profound, mysterious”, 泫 (hyeon) meaning “weep, cry” or “shine, glisten”, or 賢 (hyeon) meaning “virtuous, good, clever”... [more]
Oyimsoat f Uzbek
Derived from oyim, a title used for aristocratic women, and soat meaning "time, clock".
Oysoat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and soat meaning "clock, time".
Soatbibi f Uzbek
Derived from soat meaning "time" or "clock" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Soatgul f Uzbek
Derived from soat meaning "time" or "clock" and gul meaning "rose, flower"
Soatoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek soat meaning "time" or "clock" and oy meaning "moon".