Submitted Name Revision History

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1/27/2017, 11:48 PM SeaHorse15
1/27/2017, 11:39 PM SeaHorse15
1/27/2017, 3:37 PM SeaHorse15
7/4/2014, 10:14 PM LMS

Name Gamalbarn
Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsGamelbar, Gamelber, Gamebar
Edit Status Statusnot set

Meaning & History

Hypothetical Anglo-Scandinavian name meaning "young Gamall", from a combination of the Old Norse name GAMALL and barn "child, young man". (Gamall was originally a byname taken from the Old Norse adjective gamall "old", which gives *Gamalbarn the seemingly self-contradictory meaning "old child".)
According the English chronicler John of Worcester, Gamalbearn was a Yorkshire thegn and one of the leaders of the Northumbrian insurrection in 1065.
Added 7/4/2014 by LMS