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This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is Thumani.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bvumai m Shona
Bvumai means "Admit". This may be a name given to say to adversary admit that you were wrong, you were defeated or that you committed the offence
Chamirai m Shona
Means "be focused and diligent" in Shona.
Chenjerai m Shona
Chenjerai means "Be on guard, wisen up". Chenjerai Hunzvi the Zimbabwean Freedom Fighter is one bearer of this name.
Chokwadi m Shona
Means "truth" in Shona.
Dananai m & f Shona
Means "love each other" in Shona.
Dzikamai m Shona
Dzikamai means "settle down". The name is given to express the idea of settling down and not jumping from one relationship to another or one project to another. The former Zimbabwean Minister and MP, Dzikamai Mavhaire is one well known bearer of this name.
Dzinashe m Shona
Dzinashe means "It's with the Lord". One well known bearer of this name is Dzinashe Machingura.
Gamuchirai f Shona
Means "accept or receive" in Shona. It is typically given to a child born out of wedlock.
Garikai m Shona
Means "Live well, safe, healthy and prosperous".
Gondai m Shona
Means "to trust or place hope in" in Shona.
Gwinyai m Shona
Gwinyai means "be strong". The Zimbabwean tennis player Gwinyai Tongoona is a famous bearer of this name.
Hamunyari f Shona
Hamunyari means "Have you no shame". This name is given in a feuding situation.
Hazvinei f Shona
Hazvinei means "Never mind, no worries". This name may be given by a parent who was offended
Hazviperi m & f Shona
"It does not end". Situational name given in circumstances where family faced unending troubles or trials.
Irikidzai f Shona
Means "to add to" in Shona.
Jekesai f Shona
"Make it clear". Meant to speak to neighbor or family to make clear their position or purpose.
Kambeu m Shona
Kambeu means "little seed". This name may be given to a child who was very small at birth
Karikoga m Shona
Means "one who is alone". The name may be given to say that one who lives alone or was born alone without siblings.
Kuchinei m Shona
Kuchinei means "What more is left to do, to see or to say" This name may be given by a parent who is at their wit's end. The Zimbabwean singer of the 1970-80s Kuchinei Chikupo was one well known bearer of this name.
Machiveyi f Shona
"What do you seek or covert?" Situational name given in circumstance where family has covetous neighbours or kin.
Makanaka f Shona
Makanaka means "You are good". #This name is usually given in praise of God".
Manatsa m Shona
Means "you have made perfect" in Shona.
Miriraishe f Shona
What upon the Lord
Motsi m & f Shona
Means "first one" or "one who has matted hair" in Shona.
Muchena m Shona
One who is white or light skin tone. Or Blessing in Ndau dialect of Shona
Mukai f Shona
Means "be alert; wise-up" in Shona.
Munatsi m Shona
Means "one who makes perfect" in Shona.
Namatai m Shona
Namatai means "Pray or praise and worship God".
Ndakaitei f Shona
Means "What did I do?" This name is an expression of regret by a parent. Usually given by a single mother whose partner does not take responsibility of the child born.
Ngoni m Shona
Ngoni means "Mercy or kindness".
Ngwarai m Shona
Ngwarai means "Be diligent, wisen up, be on guard".
Onai f Shona
Means "Look and see". This name may be given in various circumstances calling the hearer to look and see what transpired especially before and around the birth of that child
Onayi f Shona
"See it, see this". Situational name which says see what we have, behold.
Panganai m Shona
Means "to consult or advise each other" in Shona.
Panganayi m Shona
Variant of Panganai.
Panonetsa m Shona
Means "troublesome" in Dhona. ... [more]
Paradzai m Shona
Paradzai means "destroy". This is possibly addressing an adversary challenging them to destroy what you have if they can".
Pemberai m Shona
Means "celebrate" in Shona.
Pikirayi m Shona
Vow to it. Promise. Name of a Zimbabwean journalist Pikirayi Deketeke.
Raviro f Shona
Means "promise, oath or pledge" in Shona.
Regai m Shona
Regai means "Let it be, leave it alone"
Revai m & f Shona
Means "Talk or gossip about". This is a name given to address neighbours that continue to gossip about your family
Rishon m Hebrew
Means "first" in Hebrew from the roots ר-א-ש (r-'-sh) meaning "head; chief; beginning".
Rugare m Shona
Means "peace, well being" in Shona.
Ruregerero m Shona
Ruregerero means "Forgiveness". This name may be given by a parent seeking forgiveness.
Ruvheneko m & f Shona
Means "Enlightenment". This name is a declaration that we have seen or received enlightenment or better circumstances
Sarudzai f Shona
Means "Be selective or discriminate". #Depending on circumstances the name may be a call to be selective in what you do or maybe blaming someone for being discriminating"
Simbiso f Shona
Means "One who strengthens or source of encouragement".
Simukai m Shona
Means "rise up" in Shona.
Tauya m & f Shona
Means "we have come" in Shona.
Tavaziva m Shona
Tavaziva means "We know them". This name is given in a feuding situation to say we know who the enemy is.
Tererai m & f Shona
Means "listen, pay attention" in Shona.
Tinaye m Shona
Tinaye means "We have got him or her". Former Manicaland Provincial Governor Tinaye Chigudu is one well known bearer of this name.
Tirivanhu m Shona
Means "We are people". This name says do not look down upon us or take us for granted, we are human like you
Tirivashe m & f Shona
Means "We belong to the Lord". #This is a Christian name for believers declaring their loyalty to God".
Tizirai m Shona
Means "Run to". This refers to running to take refuge in.
Todini m & f Shona
Means "What shall we do?". This is a name of exclamation or questioning given by a parent who is lost regarding what to do in their circumstances
Toendepi m Shona
Means "Where shall we go". #This name is given where a family has grievances against their neighbours and desire to move away".
Torevei m & f Shona
Means "What shall we say?". This is a name of exclamation or questioning given by a parent who is a lost for words regards the situation they are in
Tutsirai m Shona
Means "add to what's already there" in Shona.
Upenyu m Shona
Upenyu means "life". This may be given by a parent meditating over the circumstances of life.
Varaidzo m Shona
Varaidzo means "One who keeps company". This is given to acknowledge your child as one with whom you keep company. It is common to give this name to a child born in your later years.
Wadzanai m & f Shona
Means "be in cordial fellowship" in Shona.
Wedzerai f Shona
Means "add onto" in Shona.
Yemurai f Shona
Means "appreciate" in Shona.
Yeukai f Shona
Means "remember" in Shona.
Zadzisai m & f Shona
Means "fulfill" in Shona.
Zaranyika m Shona
Means "populate the world" in Shona.
Zivanai f & m Shona
"Know each other". Meant for relatives to keep in touch.
Zondai f & m Shona
"You may hate me." A situational name where a family is telling it's enemies you may hate me all you want.
Zororo f & m Shona
Rest. "May be speaking of a time of rest or peacefulness experienced by family around time of child's birth".
Zvichanzii m & f Shona
Means "what is it?" in Shona.
Zvidzai m Shona
Means "despise, look down upon" in Shona.