Popularity Search Help

The popularity search displays information about the frequency of given names. You can search for up to 5 names at the same time.

After performing a search, use the region buttons to select which results to display. The default region is the United States, but this can be changed in the settings.

You can select which measure of popularity to display on the y-axis buttons. There are three possible measures:

  • Rank - This is the relative rank of the name. It is useful when you wish to compare the popularity of a name against other names. However, the graphical results should be interpreted carefully. For example, a name that is graphed twice as high as another name is not necessarily used twice as often.
  • Percent Used and/or Times Used - These two similar measures are useful when you wish to see how the popularity of a name has changed over time. However on their own, these measures do not tell you how popular the name is compared to other names. Please note, the scale of the graph can vary from name to name.

Not all measures may be available depending on the country/region you are viewing. The default measure is percent, but this can be changed in the settings.

If there is more than one name being searched, you can toggle the names shown buttons. To search for multiple names, enter up to 4 names in the compare box.