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i love this site because it has so many unusual names!
Anyways, the reason I use it is to find good names for charecters in stories. I like slightly unusual ones. Guys names are a lot harder to find then girlshmm.... some of the ones i found that i really like are:
& AubreySo, thanks for any help you guys give me!
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Yep, it's a cool site, all right. Thanks for dropping in and saying such nice things about the joint! :)-- Nanaea
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i love the name maia. though i tend to like the spelling maya more.
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Maia was either Greek or Roman for the Mother (Earth Mother, I guess). I've gotten a few good grades in high school because of her (including one for a derivation that my English teacher wasn't familiar with). ;) That's what you get for having an unabridged dictionary and a love of reading, I guess. :P
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yeah, i would too except for the fact that whenever its spelled Maya people tend to think of the culture and not the name. Cherokee would be a good name too (i think) but it would be too confusing.
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I like Lalena (tilde n), Kiri and Zeporah (or Ziporah). There are a few others, but I lack the time to list them (I'm on campus right now between classes).;>
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I really like the names that you stated. My son's name is Brinn. I have heard of his name used for boys and girls. It can also be spelled numerous ways. It is a welsh name meaning small hill or mound.
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