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[Facts] What does my name mean????
I want to know what does my name mean. I am male. My nationality is Filipino as well as the ethnic background. My grandmother get my name on a comic strip characterized by one of the lead character...I hope there's a meaning for my name...Thanks in advance...God Bless!
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What does the name Kiera mean?
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Jamir is of arabic/persian origin and it's translation is "Light" or "Ray of Light"
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what does my name mean
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we have the same name that is cool
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My name is also Tiauna. The greek spelling of this name is Tiana and it means "princess".
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another TianaI was told that the name Tiana was Russian for "fairy princess"
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My name is Tiauna also. I have always been told that it was a Mexican name and whenever I look it up that seems to be true. I am bi-racial my mother is 1/2 Mexican and 1/2 Irish and my father is Jamaican. Hope this helps.
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what does my name mean
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I don't know what Jamir means, but I did notice that your name is similar to Jamal. It's also entirely possible that the guy just made up the name Jamir. I did make up a few names for my stories - Solarina and Piedra, for example.
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Does anybody know what the name Kathryn means please?
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Piedra isn't "completely" made up; it means "stone" in Spanish.
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