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[Facts] The origin of Yandell
My father's name is Yandell Smith Beans II - his grandfather's name was also Yandell Smith Beans I. Their ethnic background is Scottish- we know Beans came from McBane (I believe). However, we want to know where Yandell came from! They are not Jewish- there is no relation to the name Yentil. Any info will help!
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Yandell derives from Yewdale, a place in Lancashire in England. Yewdale is Old English, with 'yew' Wich alludes to the yew tree, and 'dale' comes from the Old Norse 'dalr' meaning valley. So the name can be taxed back to Old Norse, though the family is dominantly English.
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dæl "valley" is Old English. The word is common to all the Germanic and North Celtic languages. It is redundant to look for a Norse origin.
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yandell-originated in england, there is a coat of arms you can find online.
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