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[Facts] Tyne
What about the name Tyne? As in Tyne Daily? It comes from the name of a river and a city in England (Newcastle upon Tyne). I think it means "river."
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Unless it is of a more Irish dedication, as I suspect is the case with Ms. Daly. Tyne is in fact her middle name, so it may well be a surname styled as a given-name. Granted, this is just personal conjecture. I always assumed her forename was as Irish as her last.The Gaelic form would be "Teimhin" meaning 'dark,' 'dusk' and 'gloom,' it is typically anglicized "Tyne" or "Thynne." There are a two diminutive forms "Teimhnín" and "Teimhneán" which are both made "Tynan" or "Tivnan" in English. As far as I know, these English & Irish forms are now completely unused as given-names, alive only as surnames.Further, the river named "Tyne" does not mean 'river,' but is likely from the same 'tun' root (meaning 'enclosure') as the word 'town.'
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Tyne="River"?I agree.
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