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[Opinions] Samantha
What are your thought on Samantha?Nice, witchy and historical or dated and trendy?


Never known a real one, so have no personal agenda. Always thought it a rather attractive name. While it may not be classified as a classic, it's only one tier down as a solid reliable. Terrible description, but that's the gist of what I get from this name.
I have a pretty bad association with this name. I went to highschool with a girl named this and she was extremely snobby and superficial. Rude a.f times a thousand.
I always felt indifferent to the name and still do, but after my experience, it certainly isn't a name I would ever use.
I don't hate it but it's not a name I would find myself drifting towards. I find it a bit plain, is all.
Unfortunately, every Samantha I've known throughout my life wasn't a very nice person so the name is a bit tainted by my negative experiences. Perhaps in time it will wear off and I'll grow to like the name.
I hope I can change that!
I think I'd love this name if I hadn't had a bad experience with a Samantha. I love that it's outdated, I love that it's a modern invention, and I think Sam or Sami is a cute nickname. I'm not super familiar with the witch Samantha because that's a bit before my time, but I like that it has that association! I love it as a middle name.
I love the name Samantha; it sounds very pretty and light. I can understand why you would feel that Samantha is "witchy" because of the Television show "Bewitched". I'm not a fan of the nickname "Sam" or "Sammy," however.
It's interesting that Samantha was popularized by a witch show, but sounds much less witchy as a name than other names popular at the time.
Not even slightly witchy; previously trendy but now dated. I dislike Sam, Samantha and Samuel.
Was this mentioned because I said it was my name earlier, haha?
I love my full name and hate it when people try to shorten it.Objectively, I don't think Samantha can be trendy because what trend would it go with? There aren't many popular names at the time that use similar elements.

This message was edited 4/14/2024, 10:01 AM

Samantha was my favorite American Girl Doll. I think it's a solid classic. Maybe a bit 80s, but I do know a toddler named Samantha "Sami".
I met a toddler with my name recently too and was soooo excited.
Dated and empty—definitely not witchy. I really dislike it (as well as Sam and Sammy).
Although I usually love "very 1980s to 1990s" names, I'm not a huge fan of Samantha. But I doesn't hate it though. It's just okay.
Yeah, I don't think my name has 80s/90s vibes so that makes sense. It doesn't fit with the trends at that time; it's kind of an outlier.
A decent name. Better than Samuela. Kind of dated, not trendy but very common if that makes sense.
I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen Samuela used anywhere.
I didn't know it was a name until BTN. XD I also didn't know that Samantha came from Samuel. Hardly any resemblance!
To be fair, that's more of a speculation than anything. No one knows for sure where the name came from.

This message was edited 4/14/2024, 7:06 PM

I don't usually like names with the th sound, especially not with the s sound as well. But I do like Samantha. Not enough to use it, but I do like it. It feels both youthful and grown-up. The littlest Samantha I know is about three.
This is an interesting observation because now that I think about it, most names containing "th" sound pretty elderly or vintage, but Samantha is one of the only ones that doesn't (the others, in my opinion, being Bethany, Annabeth, Xanthe, and Athena). I think the "n" in the name softens the "th" sound, too.Elderly th names (in my opinion): Bertha, Ethel, Martha, Beth, Theodosia, Dorothy, Agatha, Cynthia
Vintage th names (in my opinion): Elizabeth, Edith, Meredith, Judith, Thea, Katherine, Ruth, Faith, Tabitha, Lilith